Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Prompt Reaction # 4

Who's the first person you remember?
The first person I remember is Joshua, my boyfriend, now my fiance. I remember the first time I saw him smile, and the first time I ever heard his voice, the mellow, caramel sounds formed into words. He's the first person I can remember because I think about him all of the time. There isn't one moment that I don't. I remember the way he likes to mix his food all together before he eats it, and I remember the very first time I touched his rough, callused hands. I remember our first kiss, his soft, dark hair, the curls tangled in my fingers. I remember how he loves Nirvana, how he plays the guitar. I remember how impatient he is, how frustrated he gets when things don't go at his pace. I remember his hazel-blue eyes, how they change with the clouds and when he cries. I remember nights lying in bed, hoping he's alright. I fondly remember hearing his voice, whispering melodies in my ear, sometimes tone deaf and wonderfully relaxing. I remember dancing when there was no sound but the beating of our own hearts, and the night air engulfing us. I remember running away from him, laughter from the chase, that he's ticklish and has the heart of a child, innocent, honest, and playful. I remember how he loves cars and hates heights, how he laughs, amusing and extremely contagious. I remember how badly he wanted a puppy, and the joy on his face when he came and brought Sallon to see me for the first time. I remember how he always wears his class ring, and his refusal to admit that he likes my cat. I remember how he hates to shave because sometimes it hurts his face, and because it takes too much of his precious 'sitting on his butt watching t.v while the water heats up for his bath' time. I remember how he likes to try new things, no matter how gross it is. I remember his faith in God, and I remember watching him sleep in my arms. I remember the first time he confessed his love for me, and the first time I'd ever seen him cry. I remember the strength with which he's gotten through his life. I remember sitting on the couch, watching a movie, I remember the first time he'd spent the night, it was the first full night's rest I'd gotten in three years. I remember the comfort he gives me with every moment we are together. I remember everything, and there are countless amounts of memories, so many that I can't mention them all, it would take hours, days, weeks. I remember him because we are making new memories with every second we spend together. I remember him because I love him, and because he saved me from myself.


At 12:25 PM, Blogger johngoldfine said...

Whew, you guys have written wonderful matching companion pieces. If writing well about each other guarantees happiness, you will be together for all eternity. Print it if you like and Ill read it to the class first thing.


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