Prompt Reaction # 6
The safest place in the world....The safest place in the world is dark. It's warm, and it smells sweet, almost like springtime, but not quite. I can retreat there whenever there's an element of strife threatening my inner calm, even when it feels like it's that darkness that's causing the problem. This place has strong, solid walls, but they are flexible and gentle as they contain me in their security. In this safe place, there is no light for the eye to see, but for the heart to feel. It's bright and golden, almost celestial. The light reminds me of the warmth of the sun, and my soul basks in it while my eyes remain closed. My skin is buried inside of this sparkling, brilliant darkness, and its heat radiates throughout my being. In this safe place I can mellow and fall asleep to the steady rhythm in the walls; I can dance on a thousand sighs, and still feel as though I'd enjoy being blind. My safe place helps me to feel alive when I feel as though I shouldnt exist, and gives me a reason to be. The safest place in the world, to me, is in my lover's arms.
For my money, the descriptive stuff isn't recognizable to me as lover's arms, but it's your safe place, not mine.
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