Wednesday, October 19, 2005

ISearch - What I Know

What I know is this: I'm driven to find a solution. I know that I can give it my all, and I'm willing to do anything to make this better, in order to help my life, and the others around me, who love me the most. I know someone who does have bi-polar disorder and anxiety, someone I am close to, and who could probably help me out quite a bit. I know that Bi-polar disorder involves extreme mood swings, and is very difficult to cure. I know that there are drugs available, one of them being lithium, and I know that I can talk to a teen counseling hotline if I just need to talk.

I am an angry person, but I can be just as cheerful and happy-go-lucky as anyone else. I'm a constantly breaking tidal wave. My feelings are small and then they build and escalate until they crash over everything. I know that my feelings are slowly dissentegrating my relationships with my family, and most of all, my fiance. I know that these people just don't understand why I am the way I am, they don't understand that I have a problem.

I know that I overreact to simple things, I know that every day I think suicidal thoughts and have an overwhelming desire to make myself bleed, and the only reason I don't is because I made a promise not to. I can be elated at one moment and the be ready to jump over a bridge the next. Is this just how I am, or can I be fixed?


At 11:24 AM, Blogger johngoldfine said...

Do you want to go through your questions and write what you know or speculate at this point about answers?


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