Graf # 12
Research HistoryWhat have I done in the past to get answers to my own personal questions? Well, I've meditated, for one. I figure that if it's a question you need to really ask yourself and need the answer to, you can find that answer within yourself. On more superficial questions, like information about guys I've liked, I've asked friends about them, watched them sometimes, basically went right up and blurted whatever I needed to say out. I've gone on the internet and done research on homemade remedies and how to properly dye one's hair with koolaid powder. I've read books on occults and vampires, I've watched and read erotica to help and influence me to write my own, and to help me draw the naked human form with increasing accuracy, and for other, personal reasons. (haha). I've read self-help books, called my doctor for odd questions, gone to city hall to find out information on state laws, been to national monuments... I've done tons of silly, crazy things to find answers to questions. It's almost a hobby. I amuse myself because I'm a curious person.
Just the answer I hoped for--you usually deliver the goods!
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